Sunday Schedule
Worship Progression
When attending worship, you will receive a Worship Bulletin as you enter the church. (There are Youth Bulletins* and crayons if you have children with you) The normal progression of events are as follows (but once in a while, our Pastor likes to keep us on our toes!)
- All read the bible verse found at the top, under "Welcome to Worship" **
- General Welcome and announcements that concern the entire congregation
- Hymns **
- Responsive Reading (found in the bulletin, the Worship Leader begins, and the congregation responds) **
- Hymn **
- Young Disciples Time (Children in the church go "up front" and listen to a lesson designed for them.)
(at this point, the children have the option of going to "Young Disciples Church" or returning to their families)
- Time in Prayer
- Offering of Tithes and Gifts
- Scripture Reading
- Message
- Hymn **
- Sending Forth
* Youth Bulletins contain the first 6 items from the above list, and also have various activities, such as coloring pictures, mazes, dot-to-dot and/or comics. All of the activities in the children's bulletin coordinate with the lesson that will be taught that Sunday in the Young Disciples Church.
** These items are displayed on the screen at the front of the sanctuary.